You can now mail your payments to our new mailing address; please note that payments must be received by FEBRUARY 28 to avoid incurring a late fee and interest.
A homeowner’s association (HOA) is an organization that makes and enforces rules for a group of residents in a subdivision, community, or residential building. HOAs collect fees (or dues) from their members to pay for the maintenance of common areas and the upkeep of facilities. Assessments are due on January 1 each year and by January 30 to avoid a late fee and interest. HOA dues are always paid for the previous year. You can pay by mailing your dues in to the address below or paying online via the TownSquare app. You will need your account number. If you don't have your account number, please call 713-329-7100.
Copyright © 2020 Laurel Oaks Homeowners Association. All Rights Reserved